Adderall Detox &

Cognitive Healing



Do you ever lock onto the wrong thing for hours because you just need something to focus on? Do you ever spin your wheels but get nothing done? Do you have trouble in your relationships because you’re irritable for no reason? Do you ever wonder if you should be taking medication in your 30s to solve a problem in your teens? Do you have trouble fully being present?

Break free from the pills. This course is a comprehensive step-by-step guide that will not only help you get off of stimulants but will help you regain your energy and motivation like never before.

Often, we tell ourselves stories that keep us stuck and underestimate our full potential. I will not only coach you on mindset but also provide you with grocery lists, meal guidelines, exercise routines, mindfulness techniques, supplement lists, and more to set you up for success.

We will have an optional weekly community call to touch base and connect with others who are on a similar journey. Your most joyous and free life is just one click away.